Decolonize Palestine

This is a banner image for the website Decolonize Palestine. Click here to visit the website.

A teaching resource that offers critical information on Palestine for adults and children. It breaks down common Zionist myths and answers frequently asked questions about Palestine.




Visualizing Palestine

This is a banner image for the website Visualizing Palestine. Click here to visit the website.

Source for data and research to visually communicate Palestinian experiences and provoke narrative change. It breaks down many issues that Palestinians have faced in a visually appealing and easy to understand way.

Africa 4 Palestine

Africa 4 Palestine

#Africa4Palestine is a human rights organisation lending solidarity and support to the Palestinian people living under Israeli occupation. The organization is involved in awareness raising initiatives, legal campaigns, enhancing government and political relations between Palestine and countries on the African continent as well as strengthening people to people relations between Palestine and Africa.

Canadian BDS Coalition

Canadian BDS Coalition

The Canadian BDS Coalition is comprised of groups in Canada that support the global Boycott Israel movement targeting Israel’s system of settler-colonialism, occupation, and apartheid towards the Palestinian people.

Dream Defenders

Black socialists’ abolitionists in solidarity, part of Black For Palestine – The Dream Defenders was founded in April 2012 after the tragic killing of 17-year old Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. We marched and fought for justice for Trayvon and so many like him. In the last decade, we have organized with and fought alongside thousands of young Floridians and with freedom fighters across the globe for a better future than we inherited.

NDN Collective/ LandBack

NDN Collective is an Indigenous-led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power. Through organizing, activism, philanthropy, grantmaking, capacity-building and narrative change, we are creating sustainable solutions on Indigenous terms. They stand in solidarity with Palestine and highlight the connections between the causes.

The Red Nation

An indigenous American movement space/page for radical political education Scholars, organizers, activists, and everyday people on the front lines against US imperialism share political education on landback, indigenous culture, and anti-settler colonialism. The Red Nation has long featured much material on Palestine. Since October, they have deepened the connections even more.

Samidoun: Palestinian prisoners solidarity network

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Samidoun seeks to achieve justice for Palestinian prisoners through events, activities, resources, delegations, research and information-sharing, as well as building bridges with the prisoners’ movement in Palestine. We seek to amplify the voices of Palestinian prisoners, former prisoners, prisoners’ families, and Palestinian advocates for justice and human rights by translating, sharing and distributing news, interviews and materials from Palestine.

Black For Palestine

Black activists and scholars representing different orgs standing in solidarity, connecting the struggles of both groups. We make this statement as Black people in solidarity with Palestinian people, committed to our collective liberation, in grief and in outrage at the catastrophic violence that the state of Israel is enacting on Gaza. As we write, Israel has killed more than 15,000 Palestinians in Gaza – including 6,000 children. Over 30,000 people are injured. 






Greater than the Sum of our Parts

Greater than the Sum of Our Parts

Palestinian activist Nada Elia unpacks Zionism, from its hypermilitarism to incarceration, its environmental devastation and gendered violence. She insists that Palestine’s fate is linked through bonds of solidarity to other communities crossing racial and gender lines, weaving an intersectional feminist understanding of Israeli apartheid throughout her analysis. She also looks deeper into the interconnectedness of Palestine with Black, migrant, and queer movements, and with other indigenous struggles against settler colonialism, including that of Native Americans.

Salaita: The Holy Land in Transit: Colonialism and the Quest for Canaan

Dr. Steve Salaita. This book “compares the dynamics of settler colonialism in the [US] . . .with the circumstances in Israel.” Focuses on the “similarities between the rhetoric employed by early colonialists in North America and that employed by Zionist immigrants in Palestine . . .as well as the “counter-discourse” cultivated in the literature of resistance by native peoples.”

The Case for Sanctions Against Israel

In July 2011, Israel passed legislation outlawing the public support of boycott activities against the state, corporations, and settlements, adding a crackdown on free speech to its continuing blockade of Gaza and the expansion of illegal settlements. Nonetheless, the campaign for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) continues to grow in strength within Israel and Palestine, as well as in Europe and the US. This essential intervention considers all sides of the movement—including detailed comparisons with the South African experience—and contains contributions from both sides of the separation wall, along with a stellar list of international commentators.

Framing Resistance Call and Response

Reading Assata Shakur’s Black Revolutionary Radicalism in Palestine Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi

Abolition and Palestine

A document with a variety of resources about the intersection of Palestine and abolitionism linked in one place.

Zionist Logic By Malcolm X

An essay by Malcolm X in The Egyptian Gazette, Sept. 17, 1964

Stokely Speaks by Kwame Ture (Chapter 10)

See chapter 10 entitled: “The black American and the Palestinian Revolutions” the erasure of Black-Palestinian solidarity must be confronted with sources like this.

An Open-Ended Revolution, Fusako Shigenobu

“One month before the release of Fusako Shigenobu after she spent the last 21.5 years in a Japanese prison, we asked May Shigenobu to draw a political portrait of her mother as an homage to the incarnate example of internationalist solidarity. She describes Fusako’s early year of activism leading her to take high responsibilities in the Japanese Red Army before relocating to Beirut in order to play an active role in the Palestinian liberation struggle.”


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